A Spot of Cheerfulness

A Spot of Cheerfulness
Every Monday at 7.30 p.m GMT

Sunday, 16 March 2014

The Healing Link Habit

And so we are approaching our third circle sitting! We are forming stronger bonds with the healing energy and developing a habit, a pattern, a regular meeting. This is good. It means that the Universal healing energies are linking into an establishing link. I liken this to going to the loo in the dark. 

'Oh really?' I hear you think. And in reply, I think back, 'Oh yes!'

In your own space, wherever it is you live, or call your own, a space in which you feel a familiarity (unless you moved in only last week and are still living out of boxes!) I bet you can venture to the loo in the middle of the night without switching on the lights. You know where the doors are, the directions to take, the features of your bathroom facilities. And this is because you are aware of your surroundings and their features are imprinted in your brain because you have formed a regular habit with their use.

It is also a bit like driving a familiar route. Hands up, then - who has driven along a route they have travelled many, many times before and then, on reflection, can't actually remember how they arrived at their destination? I know I have. And whilst this is not necessarily a good thing, because in honesty we all should be engaging with our surroundings in new and different ways all the time to keep ourselves vibrant and full of a zest for life, it is a demonstration of how familiarity creates a path. 

In my front garden there is a trail of squashed lawn. It leads from the driveway and forms a diagonal route across the grass where it disappears under the hedge. It is a trail used every night by a fox. The grass has recorded the route of the fox for everyone to see, and although I have never seen a fox travel across this path, I know the fox exists because of the path way it has trodden in the grass. And should this path on the grass ever fade and vanish completely I shall know the fox is no more and, to be honest, I shall be quietly thankful of that because I keep hens! 

Memories have been imprinted - in Nature, in habit and in our brains. 

And so I believe it is with sitting in a circle. The healing link to the Universal energies is formed and grows stronger with each sitting. Like wearing in a new pair of shoes, the habit may be awkward to develop in the beginning - there may be physical discomforts as our bodies become used to sitting 'in peace' where we are so used to living busy and fidgety lives; there may be mental discomforts as our minds become used to calm and focused thoughts rather than filled with fretfulness about all the irritations that accompany 21st century living. And there may be what I call 'Time Guilt.' When you have promised yourself you will do something like make time to sit in a circle, and then daily circumstances overtake you and you find you cannot keep that appointment and guilt strikes.
But do not worry about this. Do not let it cause you anxiety. Because when a healing link is established, it will 'know' to be there at the appointed time and will still reach you regardless of whether you can sit and be still. As long as you are thinking about it, you will be helping maintain its memory. You will still feel its effects. It won't forget you any more than your body will forget to remind you that it needs feeding or thirst-quenching or, for that matter, a jolly good wee! 

Tomorrow, then, we shall be sitting in circle at 7.30 pm GMT for a third time. Thank you to those who we know are sitting with us, and helping to build this precious link with the Universal Healing Energy. From feedback already received it is forming great benefits already! 

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