A Spot of Cheerfulness

A Spot of Cheerfulness
Every Monday at 7.30 p.m GMT

Monday, 10 March 2014

How? And why?

Hello everyone, and here I am in Kent enjoying a lovely spot of sunshine after what seems like endless weeks of rain. Sunshine makes a spirit feel so much better, doesn't it? Chipper is how I am feeling today because of the sunshine. Yes, that's it - chipper! 

So, I was thinking about this evening's circle and a question came to mind. Well, two actually. And they were, 'How does the healing energy work?' and 'Why does the healing energy work?' They are questions often asked of me by folk who are either having a session of contact healing (which is where that person and I are both in the same room and not miles and miles apart as we shall all be this evening when we sit at 7.30) or who are just interested in what I do. 

And my answer? Unfortunately, an often dissatisfying, 'I'm afraid I don't know. I really do not know.'

It isn't that I am not interested in how this amazing healing energy can move from one living being to another. It is just that for me it is not the 'Hows' and 'Whys' that matter - it is the faith and acceptance that it just 'Does.' 

For me it is such a wonderful thing that it needs no justification or explanation. 

Of course, mention of the word 'faith' opens a whole new can of caterpillars. I have substituted 'caterpillars' for 'worms' here in celebration of seeing butterflies over the weekend! And in an effort to manufacture some kind of loose analogy!

And that analogy is this. Do you remember when you were a child and you learned that caterpillars turn into butterflies? And how amazing this process is? That a long, fuzzy torpedo of an insect can wrap itself in a cocoon, hidden away from prying eyes, and just dangle there from a twig, minding its own business until one day, when it is ready, it breaks free from its cocoon and there - ta da! - is a delicate, colourful creature full of fluttery wing and flighty direction and amazing beauty. (Not that caterpillars aren't beautiful in their own way, before I get the We Love Caterpillar brigade on my case.) 

But you see, the energy that changes the caterpillar into a butterfly happens. And no-one sees it happening. They can't because of the cocoon. And yet no-one questions its effect because it is there, for all to see, when the butterfly emerges. 

And yes, I know that scientists have recently found a way of putting tiny camera inside a cocoon in an attempt to capture that caterpillar turns into butterfly magic. And I am a little bit sad about that happening because there will now grow up a generation of children who will no longer see that transformation as a piece of magic. They will be able to say, 'Well, I know exactly how that happens,' instead of, 'Wow!' 

Well, I still think it is magic. And I believe healing energy in its own way is a bit of 'magic' too. I have faith that it can be used in so many good and loving ways to help us all.

And that is how I think about healing energy and the 'whys' and 'hows' it its working.

Looking forward to linking in with you all this evening at 7.30 p.m. 

Your Home to Heart Friend



  1. Great session last night, lots of energy, which started building up from mid afternoon, and carried on until I went to sleep. Very zonked out today, which is what happens when one has had lots of healing, but I know that I shall feel re-energized tomorrow. Thanks, Denise and CT, for starting this H2H. I have most certainly benefitted. Vx

  2. That is very good to hear, Vera! Thank you and bless you! I have joined the 'zonkiness' today, and with it came a deep sense of calm so I know the energies were working well for us all. Looking forward to our next sitting on 17th and the increasing benefits it will bring!


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