A Spot of Cheerfulness

A Spot of Cheerfulness
Every Monday at 7.30 p.m GMT

Monday, 3 March 2014

Our First Circle

This is Denise speaking to you on behalf of Home to Heart...


There is a sense of eagerness in the air, as it seems with all new ventures, new beginnings. Tonight, at 7.30 p.m. GMT the Home to Heart Meditation and Healing Circle will be...well, born!

Already we, CT and I, have been contacted by a few people with requests for focused healing energy, and by other like minded folk who will be sharing the circle time with us. Of course, you don't have to tell us you are joining us; feel free to 'sneak in at the back' if you like. You are welcome to share this time of calm and peace, of gentle focus and positive thought.

'But how does all this 'circle' malarkey work?' we hear some of you ask. 

Well, for a start it requires some serious notebook shopping! I keep what can be called 'Healing Diaries' or 'Channelling Books'. These are notebooks whose purpose is specially to record brief details of who has asked for healing energy - things like a name, a location, a word or two about why healing energy is needed - and then, if feedback comes from that person, the recording of any outcomes or progress that have occurred after the circle meeting. And in honour of the newness of the circle,  I have purchased a new notebook in which to record these details. (And to be honest, I don't need much of an excuse to go stationery shopping!) 

I have already compiled the first list in preparation for this evening's circle. In a way, by writing down details of people who have asked for help, a healing link has already begun to form. We have our focus. We have a link. You are already held firm in our thoughts. 

And just before 7.30 p.m we shall both go to our quiet places and prepare for the circle to start.

This involves saying a few simple words asking for the protection and welfare of those who are sitting in the circle. That our healing links will open easily and with purpose, and be clear and calm. We will leave behind the rigours and irritations of our respective days because for the following half an hour or so, the most important focus will be on sending positive thoughts and the Universal healing energy to those who need help. We shall NOT be distracted with thoughts about that enormous gas bill that has just arrived, or that some thing unexpected or annoying has happened. It is important that these things take a back seat in the grand scheme of life.

And after we have sat and sent out positive thoughts and healing energy, we shall say 'Thank you' to the Universe for allowing its energy to flow between us all - givers and receivers both - and it is in these words of thanks that the circle is closed safely for the evening. 

Usually, I find myself sitting for a few minutes more, enjoying the peace and quiet and the overall sense of well-being that sitting in a circle inevitably brings. I might take my healing diary (which has been sitting in my lap all this time) and jot down any thoughts or ideas that came into my head during the circle sitting. 

And then, as the healing energies lessen, I will suddenly become very alert and hop off to make a cup of tea! 

We are looking forward to sitting with you this evening. We hope it will prove a positive and beneficial experience for us all. 

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