A Spot of Cheerfulness

A Spot of Cheerfulness
Every Monday at 7.30 p.m GMT

Monday, 31 March 2014

Clock On!

Hello All! 

Just a quickie to say I hope you remembered to put your clocks forward one hour yesterday, and that circle will meet as usual at 7.30 p.m BST (as it is now!) and not 6.30 as it was yesterday but isn't and...well, you know what I mean! 

I wonder how the Universal healing energy manages with these clock changes back and forth? I sometimes wonder if we should have clocks at all, and just listen instead to our own internal clock. Wouldn't that be lovely?! Rise with the sun, set with the sun, follow the seasons and eat cheese on toast at 3.30 in the afternoon rather than with the clock that dictates that cheese on toast time is between the hours of 12 and 1.30 also known as 'Lunch Time.'

What is that you say? You ALREADY eat cheese on toast at 3.30 p.m? Good for you!!

We have had some positive responses recently regarding the impact of the healing energies channelled these last few weeks. Lovely to hear from people about what a positive experience these Monday evening circles are being.

So let's keep on keeping on!

In love and light to you all,

Denise x

Monday, 24 March 2014

Guest Post - White Circles

The circle feels like it's settled into a rhythm. We've been doing it now for four weeks and I look forward to 7.30 on a Monday evening for a moment of quiet reflection and stillness in what is invariably a busy week.

I sit by the fire with the dogs asleep beside me, and my healing book containing all the names of everyone we are focusing on sending out help and peace to on my lap, and spend some time saying prayers for those in need and I always feel better for it. And quite often something comes through that provides an answer to a conundrum that has been bothering me. Sometimes all you need is a moment of stillness, of quiet, to let outside noises die down and to be able to hear your inner voice.

Denise and I unknowingly had focused on the same thought for this evening's circle, which was to pray for and send healing to all those affected by the disappearance of the Malaysian Aircraft. We both felt news would come, and this evening it did. The plane is probably lost in the waters of the South Indian Ocean, and all of those on board have already passed over.

This made me think. Given that there are now more of us sitting regularly on a Monday at 7.30 than simply D and I, would it be a good thing if we were to post a message here sometime on Monday to let those of you who sit with us know if there is a particular focus for the healing energies for that evening's session? Obviously, we wouldn't publish specific, individual and personal details without permission, I was thinking more along the lines of world-type issues? I think it would be useful- the more hearts and minds and homes sending focused healing and prayers and kindness to those in need the better.

One final thought to leave you with. In my healing work I often use visualisation. It is a powerful and life-affirming and often very simple tool, and the image that has come through to me on more than one occasion when sitting in the circle on Monday nights is one of a circle of bright white light with pinpoints around it that shine brightly at various places; these places mark where all the individual people who make up the circle sit. It goes all round the world, a circle of light connecting people.

If you would like to link in with it next week you are very welcome- all we ask is that you bring good thoughts for others with you, and a little bit of your own light to add to the circle.

Blessings all,



On Broader Things

My goodness, but what a beautiful frost appeared overnight here in Kent. Not so beautiful for those having to scrape it from their cars before setting off on their daily journey, I suppose, but just to take a moment or two to stand and look at the patterns it made on the first leafy offerings of Spring, and to breath in the sharp freshness it gave to the air, well, it made for a good start to the day, I thought. 

And as I stood, taking in the frostiness (and trying to ignore the hens who were saying something along the lines of, 'Oi! When you've quite finished your romantic gazing, we need feeding and we need feeding NOW!') I wondered about the focus for this evening's circle. We've had a couple of individual requests come in this week and they shall be added to the existing list, but what about something of a more global focus?

Sometimes, it seems easier to focus on individuals, whether they be family, friends, or friends of friends, work colleagues or other acquaintances. When we settle into the relaxed and restful quietness of circle we can see those people in our mind's eye. They have faces we recognise, and names and locations we know. We feel their personalities, their characteristics, their mannerisms, and all these things make a secure point of reference for us to channel the healing energy towards. 

But what about people and events we know little or nothing about? What about folk who live thousands of miles away and we hear of only through news events? We have never met these people. We know maybe one scant fact about them. There is no visual image on which to focus. What do we do then, as members of a healing circle who want to help fellow human beings?

Well, personally, that is when I focus on my candle light. I focus on the glow that emits from that light. I imagine that in the centre of that glow is the Earth itself, and that the candle light is a protective cushion around the Earth and all who are on the Earth can be reached by the healing energy through that candle light. So for me, if I am focusing on channelling for groups of people I don't know, then my metaphor for the rest of the Earth is candle light. 

I have met other healers who use other focal points. A flower or plant, maybe, or a beautiful piece of drift wood. A crystal or polished stone, a pendulum. A photograph or painting, a Buddha figure, a dream catcher. Something that gives off a gentle scent, like lavender, or that is beautiful to touch like a piece of velvet or silk. It is a lovely thing when you find that focal point that connects for you! 

Actually, as I think about this now, I wonder if I ought to broaden my own choice of focal point beyond that of my familiar candle light. Now there is a thought! Perhaps we, as healing energy channellers for the Earth, ought to have three or four things that we use our instinct to choose from which would best serve the purpose of a particular focus? What do you think? It would be lovely if you could share your ideas about focal points!

This evening, then, along with the list of folks I can put faces to, I shall be focusing on my candle light for the people who are on the missing Malaysian aircraft; for the safety of their physical selves if they are still alive, or for the safe passage of their spirits if they have passed beyond.  Such a mystery. And I shall also channel healing energy towards their families and friends, to the loved ones who have been left in a dreadful state of uncertainty, who are waiting and praying and trying to find answers so they can find peace within themselves.

Join in with this if you feel inclined towards these people. Or maybe you would like to channel for a different global situation. It does not matter. We are all joining together for the good of our Earth.

With love and light to you this frosty day in England!


Monday, 17 March 2014


Thank you to all who joined in this evening's circle sitting. Lovely energies. Much positive work done. 

Having closed the energy in my own home around 8 pm, I had to come and post here immediately because all the while I was sitting, there in the background was very strongly the message, 'Lemons!'

Now, I don't know if this means some of us are being told to up our vitamin C levels because a bout of the sniffles is on the way, or whether we are to surround ourselves with a splash or two of lemon colour to lift our spirits, or even have a sniff of that fresh lemony scent in anticipation of a long and lovely summer, but I am passing on the message and the image to use as you feel is right for you. 

I think, for me, it is something to do with some redecorating I am planning. But this wasn't a message just for me. It came through quite clearly for the whole circle. 

Enjoy your lemons, then! Even if it is with a G and T! Or perhaps a lemon meringue pie? Now there's a thought...

Sunday, 16 March 2014

The Healing Link Habit

And so we are approaching our third circle sitting! We are forming stronger bonds with the healing energy and developing a habit, a pattern, a regular meeting. This is good. It means that the Universal healing energies are linking into an establishing link. I liken this to going to the loo in the dark. 

'Oh really?' I hear you think. And in reply, I think back, 'Oh yes!'

In your own space, wherever it is you live, or call your own, a space in which you feel a familiarity (unless you moved in only last week and are still living out of boxes!) I bet you can venture to the loo in the middle of the night without switching on the lights. You know where the doors are, the directions to take, the features of your bathroom facilities. And this is because you are aware of your surroundings and their features are imprinted in your brain because you have formed a regular habit with their use.

It is also a bit like driving a familiar route. Hands up, then - who has driven along a route they have travelled many, many times before and then, on reflection, can't actually remember how they arrived at their destination? I know I have. And whilst this is not necessarily a good thing, because in honesty we all should be engaging with our surroundings in new and different ways all the time to keep ourselves vibrant and full of a zest for life, it is a demonstration of how familiarity creates a path. 

In my front garden there is a trail of squashed lawn. It leads from the driveway and forms a diagonal route across the grass where it disappears under the hedge. It is a trail used every night by a fox. The grass has recorded the route of the fox for everyone to see, and although I have never seen a fox travel across this path, I know the fox exists because of the path way it has trodden in the grass. And should this path on the grass ever fade and vanish completely I shall know the fox is no more and, to be honest, I shall be quietly thankful of that because I keep hens! 

Memories have been imprinted - in Nature, in habit and in our brains. 

And so I believe it is with sitting in a circle. The healing link to the Universal energies is formed and grows stronger with each sitting. Like wearing in a new pair of shoes, the habit may be awkward to develop in the beginning - there may be physical discomforts as our bodies become used to sitting 'in peace' where we are so used to living busy and fidgety lives; there may be mental discomforts as our minds become used to calm and focused thoughts rather than filled with fretfulness about all the irritations that accompany 21st century living. And there may be what I call 'Time Guilt.' When you have promised yourself you will do something like make time to sit in a circle, and then daily circumstances overtake you and you find you cannot keep that appointment and guilt strikes.
But do not worry about this. Do not let it cause you anxiety. Because when a healing link is established, it will 'know' to be there at the appointed time and will still reach you regardless of whether you can sit and be still. As long as you are thinking about it, you will be helping maintain its memory. You will still feel its effects. It won't forget you any more than your body will forget to remind you that it needs feeding or thirst-quenching or, for that matter, a jolly good wee! 

Tomorrow, then, we shall be sitting in circle at 7.30 pm GMT for a third time. Thank you to those who we know are sitting with us, and helping to build this precious link with the Universal Healing Energy. From feedback already received it is forming great benefits already! 

Monday, 10 March 2014

How? And why?

Hello everyone, and here I am in Kent enjoying a lovely spot of sunshine after what seems like endless weeks of rain. Sunshine makes a spirit feel so much better, doesn't it? Chipper is how I am feeling today because of the sunshine. Yes, that's it - chipper! 

So, I was thinking about this evening's circle and a question came to mind. Well, two actually. And they were, 'How does the healing energy work?' and 'Why does the healing energy work?' They are questions often asked of me by folk who are either having a session of contact healing (which is where that person and I are both in the same room and not miles and miles apart as we shall all be this evening when we sit at 7.30) or who are just interested in what I do. 

And my answer? Unfortunately, an often dissatisfying, 'I'm afraid I don't know. I really do not know.'

It isn't that I am not interested in how this amazing healing energy can move from one living being to another. It is just that for me it is not the 'Hows' and 'Whys' that matter - it is the faith and acceptance that it just 'Does.' 

For me it is such a wonderful thing that it needs no justification or explanation. 

Of course, mention of the word 'faith' opens a whole new can of caterpillars. I have substituted 'caterpillars' for 'worms' here in celebration of seeing butterflies over the weekend! And in an effort to manufacture some kind of loose analogy!

And that analogy is this. Do you remember when you were a child and you learned that caterpillars turn into butterflies? And how amazing this process is? That a long, fuzzy torpedo of an insect can wrap itself in a cocoon, hidden away from prying eyes, and just dangle there from a twig, minding its own business until one day, when it is ready, it breaks free from its cocoon and there - ta da! - is a delicate, colourful creature full of fluttery wing and flighty direction and amazing beauty. (Not that caterpillars aren't beautiful in their own way, before I get the We Love Caterpillar brigade on my case.) 

But you see, the energy that changes the caterpillar into a butterfly happens. And no-one sees it happening. They can't because of the cocoon. And yet no-one questions its effect because it is there, for all to see, when the butterfly emerges. 

And yes, I know that scientists have recently found a way of putting tiny camera inside a cocoon in an attempt to capture that caterpillar turns into butterfly magic. And I am a little bit sad about that happening because there will now grow up a generation of children who will no longer see that transformation as a piece of magic. They will be able to say, 'Well, I know exactly how that happens,' instead of, 'Wow!' 

Well, I still think it is magic. And I believe healing energy in its own way is a bit of 'magic' too. I have faith that it can be used in so many good and loving ways to help us all.

And that is how I think about healing energy and the 'whys' and 'hows' it its working.

Looking forward to linking in with you all this evening at 7.30 p.m. 

Your Home to Heart Friend


Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Guest Post - Follow Up To Last Night's Inaugural Session

Hi all,

CT here. Just touching base after our first ever healing circle session last night.

I sat down by the fire with a candle burning and the dogs asleep in their baskets beside me, and my notebook on my lap with the names and details of everyone who had asked for healing or help at 7.30 last night, and I felt peaceful. That sense of warmth and inner calm lasted all evening, and that is what the circle is about really.

It came into being to focus healing thoughts on those in need, and also as a means of sharing time with friends, of knowing that, at a certain time, on a certain evening, you can sit down, think good thoughts, send them out into the world, and know you aren't the only one.

I hope, if you sat with us last night, that you got some peace and space and time to breath and that, afterwards, you felt calmer and more centred and ready for the next day.

Either Denise or I will keep you updated here after each session. From time to time I will post interesting information to do with health and well being and healing that might be of use or interest.

And on that theme, I've got two thoughts that I want to share with you today that came out of last night's session.

Making subtle changes to the way you think can have a profound affect on your well-being and health. One very simple way to do this is to check any negative thoughts that pop automatically into your mind and turn them to something positive. An example would be: instead of greeting a challenge with a thought that starts 'I can't' tell yourself 'I can if I choose to'. This is going to hand back control to you and that is an empowering thing in itself.

Another simple but important thing is to de-clutter your life, thoughts and time periodically. Letting go of things that are out-dated and no longer useful to you is one way to do this and it will free your energy up. Outdated things can really drag you down and they are not helpful. 

If you feel under pressure, stressed or over-tired, try taking a piece of paper and writing down the things that you think are causing it. Try to keep this list simple, ideally identify 5-10 things. Next, write down ways you can either remove them from your life or cope with them better. Finally, make a list of all the things you don't do that you would really like to (this can be almost anything, from physical achievements through to emotional or mental responses). Writing things down and seeing them before you in black and white is the simplest way to organise your thoughts and find a way to act on them.

We set the circle up because we wanted to do something positive to help people who need it, and to bring a focal point for anyone who would like to join in. We both really hope that this circle feels like a nice thing to be part of, whether you use the time to meditate, pray, think, send love and good wishes and thoughts to friends and family, or simply just to relax and have some me time, to be peaceful and know that there are others doing the same thing at the same time with the same good intent towards others.

If you want to share your experiences of the sessions feel free, but the circle is open to all whether you want to comment or remain private.

Remember, if you would like to ask for healing for something specific, there is an email form on the side bar of the blog which is private and confidential and will only come through to me or Denise. Sending healing out is really about focusing thoughts and attention on the person in need and the problem, whatever it may be, and asking for help for them. It's that simple.

If you would prefer, you can just leave a name either via email or in the comments box.

Have a good week all,


Monday, 3 March 2014

Our First Circle

This is Denise speaking to you on behalf of Home to Heart...


There is a sense of eagerness in the air, as it seems with all new ventures, new beginnings. Tonight, at 7.30 p.m. GMT the Home to Heart Meditation and Healing Circle will be...well, born!

Already we, CT and I, have been contacted by a few people with requests for focused healing energy, and by other like minded folk who will be sharing the circle time with us. Of course, you don't have to tell us you are joining us; feel free to 'sneak in at the back' if you like. You are welcome to share this time of calm and peace, of gentle focus and positive thought.

'But how does all this 'circle' malarkey work?' we hear some of you ask. 

Well, for a start it requires some serious notebook shopping! I keep what can be called 'Healing Diaries' or 'Channelling Books'. These are notebooks whose purpose is specially to record brief details of who has asked for healing energy - things like a name, a location, a word or two about why healing energy is needed - and then, if feedback comes from that person, the recording of any outcomes or progress that have occurred after the circle meeting. And in honour of the newness of the circle,  I have purchased a new notebook in which to record these details. (And to be honest, I don't need much of an excuse to go stationery shopping!) 

I have already compiled the first list in preparation for this evening's circle. In a way, by writing down details of people who have asked for help, a healing link has already begun to form. We have our focus. We have a link. You are already held firm in our thoughts. 

And just before 7.30 p.m we shall both go to our quiet places and prepare for the circle to start.

This involves saying a few simple words asking for the protection and welfare of those who are sitting in the circle. That our healing links will open easily and with purpose, and be clear and calm. We will leave behind the rigours and irritations of our respective days because for the following half an hour or so, the most important focus will be on sending positive thoughts and the Universal healing energy to those who need help. We shall NOT be distracted with thoughts about that enormous gas bill that has just arrived, or that some thing unexpected or annoying has happened. It is important that these things take a back seat in the grand scheme of life.

And after we have sat and sent out positive thoughts and healing energy, we shall say 'Thank you' to the Universe for allowing its energy to flow between us all - givers and receivers both - and it is in these words of thanks that the circle is closed safely for the evening. 

Usually, I find myself sitting for a few minutes more, enjoying the peace and quiet and the overall sense of well-being that sitting in a circle inevitably brings. I might take my healing diary (which has been sitting in my lap all this time) and jot down any thoughts or ideas that came into my head during the circle sitting. 

And then, as the healing energies lessen, I will suddenly become very alert and hop off to make a cup of tea! 

We are looking forward to sitting with you this evening. We hope it will prove a positive and beneficial experience for us all.