A Spot of Cheerfulness

A Spot of Cheerfulness
Every Monday at 7.30 p.m GMT

Monday, 12 May 2014

Departures and Arrivals

I am sorry I have not posted for a while. The arrival of my new granddaughter and the passing over of a colleague and friend have distracted my thinking somewhat, but all the while I have kept a thread of thought linked to Home to Heart and without the support of this circle and also its sister circle - Heart to Heart in France - I think this last ten days would have been a lot more angst-making than it actually was.

Life is full of circles, we all know that. Arrivals, like my new granddaughter, and passings, like my friend, are all part of the comings and goings in our private worlds that make up a balance in life. The fact that my friend passed over into spirit just a few hours before baby Elizabeth arrived into her new life made this connection even more poignant. The happiness of one event was tempered by the sadness of the other; the sense of loss balanced by the sense of gain. It was an odd twenty four hours and yet it was reassuring, too. No matter how up or down one might be feeling there is a common thread of stability running through all we do, day in, day out.

But sometimes it is difficult to keep sight of that stability. Sometimes it is hard to know how to reach out, and grab on, and know that if we are on the up or the down with our moods and feelings, an even keel of emotions is within our grasp to keep us levelled and steady and sane. 

Which is why a circle such as this is so important. All the time this circle is with me. Sometimes it is in the forefront of my mind, and sometimes it is drifting in the back. And yet it remains, like a constant and familiar picture on a wall or a ring on a finger. I don't always acknowledge the obviousness of its existence, but then I don't always need to. I can feel its comfort and its effect. Of course, on these Monday evenings the circle is first and foremost in my mind as I link in to connect with and channel the Universal healing energy. 

This week my focus will be partly personal - for this new baby life in my world and for this passing on which leaves a gap - and partly for those who have asked for channelling either for themselves or for someone they love and care for. 

And with that thought, I can already feel the links building and strengthening and will be making my way up to my quiet space in a few minutes time. 

I hope you can join with me. It will be a good circle this evening!

Sending love and light from me to you!

Denise x


  1. Monday is becoming an 'all day' connection between me, the Universe, and H2H, which is becoming stronger as the weeks go by. Even though we were in the middle of getting the hay in from the field before rain arrived, I was still connected. It reminded me that everything is as it should be, that nothing is random, that there is a pattern to life, that the energies of the Universe are always looking after us, no matter what we are doing, or where we are living.

    The hay is now gathered in, so hopefully next Monday I will be able to enjoy more fully that wonderful connection which joining in with Home to Heart gives me.

  2. I am glad the circle is providing such a lovely connection for you, Vera! Makes me smile!!

  3. Feedback on the healing circle of the 26th May:
    The healing which I am receiving each Monday evening strengthens me for the week. Last week was a very emotionally draining week for me and I fetched up last night (Monday) feeling flat on the floor, so much so that there was no effort in me to even try to meditate. But despite my flatness I felt a push of energy come into me, and knew that I was being recharged. This morning I feel as if I can get back into the saddle and get on with the work I need to do. This circle is becoming a vital part of my life. Vx


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