A Spot of Cheerfulness

A Spot of Cheerfulness
Every Monday at 7.30 p.m GMT

Friday, 11 April 2014

First Connection

Do folk ever set out with the deliberate intention of becoming channellers for the Universal Healing Energy? Is it ever a conscious decision, like thinking 'When I grow up I am going to be a teacher/ silversmith/ farmer/person who tests out Lego?' Well, I suspect not. I suspect that each of us who develop as channellers do so because we find ourselves drawn to the Light work (and when I say 'Light work,' I don't mean flicking a duster around the sideboard on a Saturday morning!!) through a variety of pathways. Certainly, the people I know who channel healing energy have all arrived at this place for different reasons and at different stages of their lives.

We all have our own stories, and I would like, if I may, to tell you mine...

In the Autumn of 1991, my younger sister was diagnosed with a particularly virulent and nasty form of bone cancer. Following diagnosis, chemotherapy was duly prescribed. Surgery was not an option. The disease had already spent too long invading her cells, and prognosis was not good. I felt helpless. And I was not used to feeling helpless. I am a person who is used to coping, to managing, to dealing with life - but this situation? Well, I just didn't know what to do. 

At the time I was neighbours with a lovely lady called Vera, who ran a healing circle from a large shed in her back garden. And when I say, 'shed' I want you to dispel all thoughts of cobwebs, spades and the scent of weed killer and creosote pervading the air. This was no ordinary garden shed. Oh no, this was a haven of a shed. It was carpeted and curtained. It had chairs with cushions, a table with candles, a heater to make it warmly Winter-proof and a music player. 

And this shed turned out to be one of the safest, cosiest and most meaningful of places for me.

'Come and sit with us in our healing circle,' said Vera. 'We can try and help your sister.'

And so, not knowing really what to expect, I arrived one evening to meet with the healing circle in Vera's back garden shed. 

The circle consisted of 6 people, and I made 7. It was a bit of a squash, but I was welcomed by folk who had never met me or my sister but were willing and determined to channel healing energy the best they could so they could help us. How lovely is that? 

I was sat on a chair in the centre of the circle. 'You are going to be a conduit for your sister,' I was told. 'She is too weak at the moment to handle the impact of the healing energy we are going to channel so we are going to sort of dilute it through you, to her, until she is strong enough to sit her herself.'

Right-ho,  thought I. And I sat still. And waited. 

'Just relax and breathe,' I was told. And so I did. Because, as I said, I was feeling helpless. What else could I do?

And what happened next has stayed with me as the strongest of memories from the last 23 years. For as I sat wondering what on earth it was I was supposed to see or hear or feel, and the group members linked their thoughts and hands around me, a surge of the most enormously powerful bolt of...well, I didn't know what then, but now recognise as healing energy...shot through me from the base of my spine and up through the crown of my head. 

Seriously, I thought I was going to take off and burst through the roof of that shed like a human rocket! 


It was completely wonderful. And humbling. And inspiring. 

And that was the moment I knew that developing as a channel for the Universal Healing Energy was a Very Important Thing to do indeed! 

Whenever I have moments of doubt about being a healing channel (because it would be unrealistic to even imagine that moments of doubts won't creep in to my oh so human way of thinking once in a while) I sit myself back in that shed and re-live that first healing memory. For it is the only proof I need that everything I have done since for this incredible healing force, this Light work, has been exactly the right thing to do. 

I have learned much since that day. I continue to learn. Sometimes the learning has been slow, almost exasperatingly standstill, and sometimes it has galloped on at a quite alarming horse-in-a-race pace. But it has always been, and always will be a warm, happy and humbling experience.

And so I look forward to sitting with you in circle again next Monday, 14th April. Remember, you can contact the circle if you have an specific requests for a healing focus.

Have a happy and peaceful weekend! 

To you, in Light



  1. I remember the shed well. They were happy and powerful times. I remember you sitting in the middle of the group, and how much of a squash it was. And I remember the energy which flowed in and around us all. And well done you for remaining steady when that bolt of healing energy came through from the Universe. To feel such an energy forever changes one's perspectives on life, as it has indeed changed yours.

    In love and light,

  2. ...and this came in from Dee when she joined in last Monday. Jim is her husband:

    I sat for 30 mins last night, and Jim, unknowingly to me, laid on the sofa to join and receive. Bless his heart. I felt very at peace and much warmth to my middle to upper back and my belly. Nothing like the first time, that will surely take some beating!!

    I am going to try and meditate more frequently as I know how beneficial it is and how it will help me/us proceed with what will take place ahead!

    So Dee must have felt a similar bolt of energy as you did Denise, when you sat for the first time.


  3. This is good to hear, Vera! And thank you for your support of H2H this week. Much needed and much appreciated! X

    I, too, am going to find more time for meditation in my week. The idea of 'mini-meditate' came to mind this morning. I shall think on the idea and post the outcomes in a later blog.

  4. Can you add the following to the H2H healing list for next week:
    Jaqueline and her mother (Jaqueline was present when her mother died. It was an assisted death)
    Emma's step daughter, who has a tumour on the brain.
    Thanks Denise.

    I joined in with H2H last night and the energies were very relaxed and super charged, and even the candle I lit seemed to exude a brighter glow! I went into the meditation very easily, and didn't need to sit for a few minutes to attune, which is what I have had to do in the past. I couldn't sit for as long as I wanted to because I was needed to help milk the goats, but I managed twenty minutes, giving me a really good start to the week.


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