A Spot of Cheerfulness

A Spot of Cheerfulness
Every Monday at 7.30 p.m GMT

Sunday, 23 February 2014

The Journey Begins!

'Wouldn't it be rather lovely,' I have been thinking for while, 'to start a healing circle? A distance healing circle? And link its members together via a blog?' And then I thought, because I can tend towards procrastination sometimes, 'Stop asking rhetorical questions, and just DO IT!'

I connected with the healing channel pathway in 1991. I have worked with and learned from many like-minded people since and it is time, now, to set out and start to grow my own beam of healing light. So, beginning on Monday 3rd March at 7.30 GMT (goodness knows what time that will be for those of you living beyond Great Britain so I apologise if it is something like 2.45 in the morning!) I shall be sitting down in a quiet place at  home in order to be peaceful, think positive thoughts and act as a channel for the Universal healing energy that I believe is around us and within us all the time. I shall sit for between half an hour and one hour, to be guided on the evening itself.

What matters to me most though, is that we, wherever we all are, are joining together at a shared moment in time for a shared experience towards a shared purpose for good.

So if you are thinking, 'I like this idea of sharing this time once a week, to sit and relax, maybe channel or receive healing energy or just enjoy the quiet reflection and positive thoughts because it has been one heck of a day/week/month/year/life,' then please...join in! Don't be put off by the word 'meditate.' For me, 'meditation' is just a word that describes the process of sitting in a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere in order to think positive thoughts and enjoy a bit of meaningful calm and stillness.

You could try it once and decide it is not for you. Or you might pop by for random visits here and there to suit your life and needs. Or you might tune in regularly for as long as the life of this circle is meant to be. The choice is yours. No obligation, no pressure, no fuss.

The joy of this circle is that floor space is no obstacle. It can hold numbers as limitless as the size of the Universe itself - but let's not dwell on the science of infinity as it makes my head hurt thinking about it! All you need is between half and one hour of time once a week, a heart of good intention and a spirit of peace. And maybe a cuppa and a biscuit for afterwards because it is always important to replenish your energy stores!

You will find an e-mail contact form to the right hand side of this blog should you wish to contact me with a specific healing focus that is private and personal to you. The content of these requests will remain confidential between you and me. Otherwise, feel free to use the comments box for requests you don't mind sharing (maybe with a common community or global focus) or indeed for sharing your experiences after each Monday tune-in.

And please pop by to read the posts on this blog. I am excited about how the circle will develop and want to share with you regular news, updates and progress.

I offer you Home to Heart Meditation and Healing Circle in a spirit of peace, love, honesty and
friendship. I hope its community will help you as much as I know it is going to help me as I continue my development as a channel for healing and sender of positive thoughts.